It probably comes as no surprise that I'm a bit of a cookbook collector. I have hundreds of them and go through phases of cooking through a few intensely at one time and then revisiting favorites. I'm always looking for new ideas and inspirations and below are some my favorites from 2010. I'm separating them into cooking and baking lists. If you're looking for gift ideas for the cooks on your list, especially those bakers, some of these might make a welcome surprise under the tree:
Around my French Table, Dorie Greenspan: http://www.amazon.com/Around-My-French-Table-Recipes/dp/0618875530 - I can't seem to get enough of the wonderful & easy recipes in this beautiful book. This is definitely at the very top of my favorites list this year.
Super Natural Cooking, Heidi Swanson:
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1587612755/heidiswanson-20- This is actually from 2007, but new to me this year. I'm a big fan of Ms. Swanson and her cooking approach is very similar to mine.
Nigella Kitchen, Nigella Lawson: http://www.amazon.com/Nigella-Kitchen-Recipes-Heart-Home/dp/1401323952- She's lovely and full of simple ideas. This is a great, completely approachable book for the home cook.
River Cottage Preserves, Pam Corbin: http://www.amazon.com/River-Cottage-Preserves-Handbook/dp/158008172X- For those of you interested in canning, both savory and sweet items, this is a wonderful handbook with both recipes and basics.
Ready For Dessert: My Best Recipes, David Lebovitz:
Good to the Grain, Kim Boyce: http://www.amazon.com/Good-Grain-Baking-Whole-Grain-Flours/dp/1584798300- This is a wonderful book on baking with whole grains. Creative and approachable recipes that are really delicious.
Laduree Sucre, English version, Phillipe Andrieu: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Ladurée-Sucré-Recipes-Phillipe-Andrieu/dp/1902686713/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1290974984&sr=1-1- Such a beautiful book filled with classic Laduree recipes. Definitely one for the skilled amateur or professional. The English version is only available through UK booksellers but it ships to the US. I just received mine and I can't wait to start working my way through it.
Farmers Market Desserts, Hennie Schacht: http://www.amazon.com/Farmers-Market-Desserts-Jennie-Schacht/dp/0811866726- Very seasonal approach to simple, produce based desserts.
Tartine Bread, Chad Robertson: http://www.amazon.com/Tartine-Bread-Chad-Robertson/dp/0811870413- For all of you interested in bread baking, this is a great one from the oh so fabulous, Tartine Bakery, here in San Francisco.
Sarabeth's Bakery, From My Hands to Yours, Sarabeth Levine:
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